Raising the age of criminal responsibility to 14 provides the best outcome for our kids.


Raising the age of criminal responsibility to 14 provides the best outcome for our kids.

A commitment by state attorneys-general to develop a proposal to raise the age of criminal responsibility to 12 years old does not go far enough!!

In a joint statement, Australian children’s commissioners, guardians and advocates said: “We are pleased that some have for the first time indicated they will look at raising the age, but this process is not going far enough or fast enough: 

“The minimum age of criminal responsibility in all Australian states and territories should be 14 years. That is what the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child has recommended, based on a wealth of evidence and expert advice, and it is the international benchmark.

“Furthermore, it is now three years since attorneys-general began reviewing the age of criminal responsibility, and still there has been no substantive change.. This is despite conclusive evidence and  unanimous expert advice on the issue.

 LIVElove stands up for  urgent action to raise the minimum age of criminal responsibility to 14  to break cycles of disadvantage and increase community safety for all.

It would have an immediate effect on breaking cycles of disadvantage, reducing recidivism, and providing better outcomes for affected children, as well as increased safety for the wider community.


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