Multi Faith Religious Freedom

Sign the petition today calling on the senate to protect religious freedom!

There is no doubt it is getting harder for people of faith to live out their faith in modern Australia.

That’s why we need to call on the parliament to introduce greater legal protections to ensure that people of faith are not discriminated against at school, university, work or in our communities.

So please take action today by signing the petition to the Senate calling for tougher anti-discrimination laws.

43,223 signatures

To the Honourable President and members of the Senate in Parliament assembled:

The petition of the undersigned shows that people of faith in Australia are facing increasing levels of discrimination at school, university, work and in our communities.

Current anti-discrimination legislation offers no protection for people of faith who want to live out their faith and who resist some of society’s newer, more fashionable social norms.

Your petitioners ask the Senate to provide greater protection for religious freedom in Australia’s anti-discrimination laws.

To  show your support  Act Now and click the link below:


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